SEMESTER 2 2012 - (Week 10 - Week 12)

Troubleshoot and Solving Problem

During this 2 weeks’ time period,i have to troubleshoot the "Open Source Server Virtualization For SME's".I have encounter several problem during development of this project.First,the virtual server cannot communicate well with Proxmox VE.This problem occur when i cannot login into the homepage of virtual server.After some research,i manage to find the solution of this problem.I have to install XAMPP Control Panel.This software is  a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages.

After installing this software,i manage to login into the homepage of virtual server.Next problem that i have encounter is how to connect the virtual server with webpage.To solve this problem,i used wordpress virtual server to build a website for the SME's Companies but my supervisor did not satisfied with my works.Then i find another solution how to build a proper webpage for SME's Companies,i used "" so i manage to build a proper webpage "!home/mainPage". The difficult problem that i have encounter from this project is,how to communicate 2 virtual server,Proxmox VE and Zentyal in virtual environment. For this problem,i can not find the solution in this 2 weeks time period but i manage to control both virtual server in their different environment.My supervisor agreed with my solution and ask me to proceed with this project.

Block Diagram of Open Source Server Virtualization for SME's

Web Page that link up with virtual server

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